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Docker / Docker Compose


You can run the tool from the published Docker image using

docker run -v ~/.absence:/root/.absence -it kkrypt0nn/project-absence

By using -v ~/.absence:/root/.absence it will set up a volume so that you can use your config.toml file, that way your config.toml is used and the results are saved properly for you to view them.

Docker Compose

There is a docker-compose.yml file that can be used as well, in case you need it:

image: kkrypt0nn/project-absence:latest
- ${HOME}/.absence:/root/.absence

You can then run it with

docker-compose run project-absence

or use it along with other services and use docker-compose up.

Here as well, it is ideal to specify a volume so that your config.toml is used and so that the results are saved properly for you to view them.